Friday, March 25, 2011

Snowflakes, Fingerprints, & Sunsets


"I am the truth," Jesus said. What an incredibly bold statement to make!

Jesus didn't just say he knows some truth or even all truth. He said He is the truth. Not only that, He told Pilate that the reason He was born was because He came to testify of the Truth. (So basically Jesus was born to testify about Himself. He was born to reveal Himself, and in doing so He revealed the Father. If you want to know what God looks like, acts like, look at the life of Jesus.)

"What is truth?" Pilate asked Jesus this question, not realizing the answer was standing right in front of him. Truth is a Person. His name is Jesus.

How many denominations have been formed around a truth? How many churches, marriages, friendships have been divided over a truth?

I believe the Bible was written in such a way that you cannot know the truth contained within, unless you know the Author of Truth who wrote it. For so many years people have been and still are divided over "truths" in the Bible. There are so many truths that seem to contradict each other, yet they don't. These apparent contradictions cause us to fall in love with the Author rather than the "method." The problem comes when we decide to build a doctrine on a truth rather than the Truth. The issue then becomes not, "What is truth?" but, "What is truer?" or "Which truth is right?" We are missing the point!

Jesus was all things to all men: To the proud, arrogant rich young ruler, He was the Law. To the broken, humble woman caught in the act of adultery, He was Grace and Mercy and Compassion. To the cold, hard-hearted, religious Pharisees, He was the Judge who used the hammer of love to break their hearts of stone. To the thirsty woman at the well, He was the Living Water. To the man who was possessed by a legion of demons He was Freedom. To the blind, the lame, the sick, He was the Healer.

He still asks the same question of us that He asked Peter, "Who do you say that I am?"

God loves diversity. He loves diversity in all things; Not just in snowflakes, fingerprints, and sunsets. God has made each of us unique. The Bible often refers to us as a body that is made up of many distinct, unique parts. Each part serves a different purpose. We need to realize that aside from Christ, we've all been given a truth, but none of us has the truth. We each have a piece of the puzzle. The next time you want to attack someone who has a different piece of the puzzle than you do, try slapping yourself in the face first and see how it feels. It doesn't make much sense to see a body that attacks itself. What does make sense is when a body works together in unity, in sync, as one. Learn to love what He loves. Learn to love diversity. Most of all, learn to love Truth!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Life & Death

Consider this: I am a spirit, I have a soul, I (currently) reside in a body. This body is not my home. This body is my current residence. This body is not who I am.

Everything we know is temporary. All things in this life have a beginning and an end. All things, but God. He has no beginning and no end. He created time. Before God created time, time did not exist. Try and wrap your mind around that one! When we come to the place where we realize that what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal, and real, only then we can learn how to truly live.

What is life? What is death? How is it possible that you can have a heartbeat and be dead? How is it that your heart can stop beating and yet you still live? Answer: We are born dead.

This is all Adam's fault! God told Adam, " the DAY you eat of it, you will surely DIE." So Adam ate of the forbidden fruit and in that day, he died. Adam died, yet his heart continued to beat.

As we read through scripture, we learn that when God speaks of life, He's not talking about whether or not you're breathing. When He speaks of death, He's not referring to your body's vital signs. This is NOT life and death. Death is separation from the source of all life - God. So then, what is life? Life is being connected with, and being one with, the source of all life. To know God is to live. Notice I didn't say, to know "about" God, but to KNOW God. Many people know "about" God and have no life. Life is not found in religion. Life is not found in you simply saying a prayer, or going to church, or having good theology. God doesn't have a 12-step program. He has a 1-step program: Death to Life! Life is found IN Him alone. Jesus didn't say 'I will "show" you the way, the truth and the life.' He said, "I AM the way. I AM the truth. I AM the life." Know Him and you will know life. Possess Him and you will possess LIFE!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Move Me

What moves you? A song? A painting? A beautiful sunset? A book? A movie? A dance? Why do you think our Creator made us so creative? We were created to be like Him. We were created in His image. He is so wonderfully and uniquely creative. Why do we feel the need to be like someone else? Why do we idolize others? Granted, it is in the very nature of our being to worship, but worship of anyone or anything other than our Creator is idolatry.

Some of are only moved by fear. What a miserable existence! Trust me, I know! I've been there. I hate being moved and or motivated by the "what if's" or "what will happen if..." or "I'd better do this, or else...." This is not living! God has so much more for us! He wants us to be MOVED by LOVE! He desires for us to be deeply expressive in and through our creativity! The church as a whole, by in large, has for too long, stifled creativity and uniqueness; All in the name of "safety".... fear really. We always try to control what we fear or do not understand.

Well I say, it's time to "throw caution to the wind!" Let's raise the "sails" of our creativity, catch the wind of the Holy Spirit and learn to soar with Him! It's time for the beauty of His bride to arise and shine! A bride does not put on her wedding gown and stay in her room. A beautiful bride is adorned and arrayed in splendor to be SEEN, not to be hidden! It's time for the church to come out of the bridal chambers and walk down the isle as the whole world watches; for ALL to see her in her beauty and glory! Let the world see the creativity of it's Creator! He made each of us in His image and likeness. Let's be MOVED by love. Let's be moved to dance, to paint, to sing, to write! There is NO shortage or lack on His end. He is infinite! Let's tap into heaven and bring it to earth in all of it's beauty!

God let your creativity and beauty arise in me! Let it shine through me! Let me be moved by Love. Let me be motivated by Love. Let all who see the radiance of Your beauty in me be captivated by You! You are the desire of every heart! Let the creativity of my heart beat with yours! Let us co-labor, co-create, and in doing so, co-love this world you died for!