Monday, February 15, 2010


I have been struggling with this concept for quite some time now. What is freedom? What does it look like? What is it's purpose? How do we live a life of freedom? I think I am beginning to find out...

I remember when I first came down here, they told me I was free. I am free to do whatever I want. OK! Well, that sounds nice... in theory. So now what? What do I do with this new found freedom? How will I manage it? How will I live my life?

I also remember one particular person saying that if you are used to living a life of control, you may feel very out of place and will actually LOOK for someone or something to control you and tell you what to do or how to live your life. I remember thinking, "Are you serious?! Who in their right mind would do such a thing?!" About a week later I found myself in that very situation, looking for someone to control me. When you get so comfortable and familiar with the prison bars around you, you don't know how to live without them when they are gone. Oftentimes you don't even realize they are there until they are gone. Then you find yourself searching for a way to bring them back. When this started happening to me, I realized it was happening and recognized it, because of the prior warning. I then reminded myself that I am free.

Love = Freedom NOT Control

This statement blew my mind! When I let it sink in...I thought, "I don't understand. How can this be?"

Let's look at a few examples of this truth:
1. Creation - God gave us the opportunity to reject and disobey Him. He gave us the opportunity to choose life or death. He gave us the most powerful force in all of creation - free will.
2. Judas - Jesus knew Judas would betray Him, yet He allowed him to sit and dine with Him as one of His closest friends. He gave Judas the freedom to be Judas.
3. Salvation - We still have the choice today to accept or reject the One who loves us more than life itself. He desires that NONE perish, but ALL come to know Him, yet His love for us is so great that He gives us the freedom to choose.

So if God, in His infinite wisdom and love has given us this incredibly powerful freedom, why and how do we feel the right or the need to control?

You see, we control what we fear. We control what we are afraid of(fear). We control what we don't understand(fear). Most all control is motivated by fear, not love. Most people think, "If I love someone, I need to tell them what to do, what not to do, and how to live their life." In other words, "I need to control them." This simply is not true.

I am discovering in life that most of the things that we think we control, we really don't, and some actually control us! The Bible says "There is NO FEAR in love. (not only that) But perfect love DRIVES OUT FEAR, because fear has to do with punishment. (but wait..there's more...) The one who fears is not made perfect in love." John 4:18

Speaking of punishment... I'm so thankful that Christ took all of my punishment upon Himself. I'm so thankful that God poured out all the wrath that was meant for me, on His Son Jesus! That means He has nothing but LOVE for me!

So what is the purpose of freedom? Why did Christ die to set us free? Why am I free? Are you ready, here it comes... It is for FREEDOM that Christ has set us free! Galatians 5:1

It was for FREEDOM that Christ set us free! Christ set you free for FREEDOM! The reason that Christ set you free is...FREEDOM! How many different ways can I say this? Are you getting it? Can you see it?

(The second half of that same verse says, "Stand firm then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.") AND if you go back and read the verse in the context of the verses before and after, then the light really starts to go on! :) You see God knows that we are often more comfortable with control than with freedom. Don't put yourself back in prison. You are free!

What motivates you? Are you motivated by fear or by love? Do you perform FOR love or FROM love? Do you live your life to gain approval and acceptance from God and/or those around you? OR Do you live your life for God BECAUSE He loves you, BECAUSE you are accepted by Him?

God is breaking the chains of religion. He will break the chains of fear and control in your life, if you allow Him to. He is perfect love. He will drive out fear. Love is a person. Do you know Him?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Losing Everything

"He is no fool to give up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." This statement was made by Jim Elliot; A man who left his comfortable home and college education in Portland to go be a missionary in Ecuador. His goal was to evangelize the unreached native Indians there and translate the Bible into their language. He was killed in the process. What did he give up? What did he gain? God's economy is so very different than ours.

In God's kingdom: The way up is down. If you want to save your life you must lose it. The more you hold onto (something) the less you have. The more you give away, the more you will possess. You cannot give away what you do not possess or own. Take love, for example... You cannot truly give love, unless you first possess it. Those who have never been shown true love are incapable of giving it away. They cannot give something that they do not possess. By possess, I mean, you must have ownership of it, not just something you are familiar with or using temporarily. It must be a part of who you are. Then that thing which has become a part you, you now own, and are able to give away. The more that you give it away, the more you will receive. The Bible says, "This is love. Not that we first loved Him, but that He first loved us." "Freely you have received, now freely give." It truly is so much better to give than to receive, but we must first receive from Him.

You can borrow many things from other people. You can borrow someone else's revelation or their vision, but you cannot give away something that is not yours. So then how do we own or possess something? We must first go to the source. God is the source. He is the source of life and love and all things. "This is love. Not that we first loved Him, but He first loved us. "

I have lost so much in the last few months, close to everything. I have gained more than I ever knew was even available. I have been connected to the source. He is the source of all life, love, purpose, existence. "In Him we live and move and have our being." As the song says, "Now I have a purpose. Now I have a destiny. You made me for your glory!" What I do does notdetermine who I am. I am who God says I am. I perform for Him, from His love, not for His love. I do because He loves me, not to earn His love. No longer does He call me a servant, He calls me friend. I am a friend of the King who is King over all kings! He likes to let me know what is on His mind and what He is up to. Not only am I His friend, but I am His son. I am a son of the Most High God. This means that I am a co-heir with the One who possesses everything. Not only am I His son, I am the bride of Christ. He is a Husband who loves, fights for, and protects His bride. He calls me Friend, Son, Bride, Lover. We are one. This is who I am. This is what I have gained. How can I be anything but grateful?

Jesus said, "...unless a seed falls to the ground and dies it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit."

Lose you life and you will find it, you will save it. Let go. Stop striving. Give up. The more you give, the more you will gain.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Follow Me

"Follow Me"
Two words that will change the course of your life forever. If you heed these words they will ruin you. You will be forever ruined for the cause of your new King. When you hear the voice of God everything changes in your life. Nothing will ever be the same again. Jesus comes and He calls you. You are presented with a choice; Continue life as it has always been, or enter into a new life that you have never known, and leave the life that you know. Life as you know it will never be the same. With God, when you "pay a price," you will get "change" back. When change comes, you can fight it or you can embrace it. Jesus called 12 men to change the world. Their lives were turned upside down, then they turned the world upside down. There must be a revolution inside you before there can be a revolution around you. God wants to change the world inside you so you can change the world around you. Are you willing to pay the price? Do whatever it takes. Pay any price, go where ever He calls you. It will cost you. It will be worth it. Hear the voice of the Lord. When He calls, you will know it.

Pilate therefore said to Him, "Are You a king then?" Jesus answered, "You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice." Jn 18:37

"For this cause I was born," Jesus said "to be a King and to bring truth." This was why He came, for this cause He was willing to die. What is your cause? What is your purpose? Are you willing to die for your cause? Are you willing to let go? God may choose to use what is in your hand, or He may ask you to give up what is in your hand and place something else there. There are those all around the world who are willing to die for their cause. There cause is not truth, but lies.

How do you measure your life and the success of your life? When you begin to live for the cause that you were created to fulfill, you may or may not become rich. You may or may not become famous, popular, cool. You will be full of righteousness, peace, and joy unspeakable. You will be fulfilled in doing what you were created to do.

Drink the cup of the Lord. Take the cup. See what He sees. Feel what He feels. In His cup there is suffering, there is fullness of joy, there is provision from heaven.

So what do you say to the call? Do you say "Wait?" Do you say, "Later?" Do you say, "Not now?" Do you say, "No" or do you say "Yes, Lord, I will come. I will follow?" Where ever you lead me, I will go. Whatever you say Lord, I will do. I will hear your voice. I will hear your call. I will go.

I will experience true life. Your lungs take in air. Your heart beats, but are you alive? Do you want to live? Living is fulfilling the purpose for which God created you. When He calls, answer. Say YES, LORD! Here I am. Use me.